Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bronx Science Program for Youth Forcibly Evicted

Frends, after writing about the forcible eviction of the Rebel Diaz Arts Collective from their community center which they had turned into a creative, welcoming space for Bronx youth, I just got this message from the leader of a great youth community organization called the Harlem River Ecology Center, aka "The Urban Divers." Can we afford to have so many organizations which expose young people to the joy of learning, be it music or science, just get snuffed out with nary a peep from our elected officials.  Read this and weep

I just read your article about the Rebel Diaz Arts Collective. the same thing is happening to us The Urban Divers HARLEM RIVER ECOLOGY CENTER , located at RIVER PARK TOWERS, at the SOUTHERN END OF ROBERTO CLEMENTE STATE PARK-
RIVER PARK TOWERS had been sold and was taken over by new owners. We met with their management for the first time on March 9th. At which point with thought that this would be a meet and greet and with the new owners that it would a new day and our needs would finally be met and repairs done... instead less than 3min into the meeting they announced they are going to changed the locks and requested we vacated in 60 days...while leaving the center.They indeed send a crew to chop down our locks and changed the locks. No legal action in the process. We contact all our public officials, particularly our local Congressman, as HUD a principal and essential federal figure here at date ,we have yet to receive a response. We requested for bring HUD and the new owners to table to discuss the matter.
You can review our work here carefully to learn about lot of examples of work and services, scroll down the page for instruction to load all the video clips ( Generic).
Learn about our mobile museum here at 2:20
You can judge for yourself...if this is worthy for a home in this city.
It is unbelievable what is ,has been happening. We are being snuffed in the dark."

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